Wednesday, February 23, 2011

widdle baby stories ^.^


Christian Bernal. Thats his name. He is a 23 year old male that i care for and someone special who sees after me. I can't state that he is my best friend because those are few to count but he definitely has been the one to show he cares. So as i sat thinking about who to interview he came across because he is a father of a very adorable child name khris who will be turning 5 this year. He started just like all teenagers do, by having sex. And of course he did not plan getting her pregnant. So, he did not stay around during her pregnancy, he wanted her to abort because he wasnt ready for a child. He was only 17 and getting ready to go to college just like we all are now. Therefore he kicked her out of his plans. Even though he didnt see her during her pregnancy he mentioned that he believed she was affected in a couple of ways. Through her diet, daily movements, emotions (they were unbalanced, she was moody), and no social life. Financially she was set because she had help and since she didnt go out she would save money. At first i thought this girl was his age, until today. She was 27 and chris was 17!!!! He said, " you have to abort because im going to college and i will not be there for you." Chris did not want the child and kept this a secret. His family was unaware. When they found out they were upset but mostly disappointed. After the child was born he appeared when khris was only 3 months. Even though he felt obligated by being pusshed by others he felt guilty and needed to take responsibility. His life changed drastically. Sometimes christian thinks, "what if i had aborted?' That question isnt valid anymore because he is a proud father. After a while he decided to take custody. The childs mother had anger problems, she wasnt stable, wouldnt take care of him and baby would have rashes here and there. So he fought for custody and won because he was able to offer him a stable life. Christian at the end turned out to be a marvelous father and i am a witness. He learned how to be more responsible and the better value of life. Not only that but he finished collge as well and is going to med school besides holding a job and watching after his child.
   Birth in a latino culture can be bad. or unstable. A lot of the men walk out the picture because they arent ready. Exploring birth with chris made me see more to birth than what i knew.
I want to explore the males role during a pregnancy and during birth more. 

This girl that i interviewed is a woman who works with one of my close friends.I spoke to my friend jenee and I mentioned what my task was so she introduced me to her and I was able to interview her. When I asked her how pregnancy had affected her physically she answered that she wasn't able to do what her normal tasks were, she got bigger, gained 10 lbs, and her breasts grew as well. She wasn't emotionally affected at all except for her mood swings. It affected her financially because the baby father was not m akin a lot of money and she had to work to in order to be able to support the kid. Another way the pregnancy affected her was socially. She was not able to go out anymore and had to stay home to watch her baby. In order to prepare herself to give birth she mentioned that she would walk a lot and she took swimming lessons as well. She said, " it was hard trying to stay fit." the baby father would support her by coming to visit her to her apartment. During his visits he would be caring and do little things to make her feel better. Her pregnancy wasn't that hard because she knew people who had kids who helped out. Also, her mom was their to support and would be very calm and gentle with her. There wasn't really anyone who would make things challenging for her. Something that was personal and she did not want to answer was, " what thought and feelings influenced your choice to make a baby?" when the feelings come back to her regarding the labor she says that she is amazed at how much time has gone by and how painful it was that it feels as if were just yesterday. I told her if she could remember the small and she responded that it smelled clean like hand sanitizer. She was nervous, or as she said, " there were hid emotions." she had the baby when she was 17. I asked one of the questions I came with in class about how the baby came out and she answered bloody. Besides the father being supportive her baby fathers mom would also be supportive and coach her. And of course last but not least she had a normal birth.

After hearing these stories I learned more. The story I found to be more interesting was my friend Christians. The reason I found it to be more interesting was because he was 17 and she was 27. And to me the girl story was kind of boring it didn't spark me since I had heard most of it before. So it was kind of the stereo typical pregnancy. His story left me feeling like Woah.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

hw#35 Others perspectives 1

            These past few days in class we have spoken about the "bubble method". This method is helpful to enhance a conversion by taking it to another level  as opposed to a simple conversation with no meaning behind it. We also did an exercise which consisted of turning around to face your partner and use the method to practice and be able to do the same outside of class. During break i was able to sit with some of my friends and apply this to our conversations. They ended up being more productive and i found myself agreeing with them.
                I started our conversation by asking what was their viewpoint on birth. Instead of separately asking people I decided to make a circle. i had my friends jenee, Stanley, Steven and Taylor. when it came down to what they viewed birth as everyone agreed it was a beautiful process. the person who seemed more realistic with their opinion was my friend jenee because even though she agreed she also mentioned, " this process has its ups like it has its downs." A big topic that took place in this convo was money. Having a baby requires a lot of money. There is so much that needs to be spent on, clothes, diapers, wipers, food, etc.  
                To be pregnant is a great thing but only if you have stability in your life. Some women know that having a baby isn't the best thing when their relationship with their boyfriend or husband is going down the drain but some think that by having a baby it will trap them. In some cases this will work, in some it won't, and in others it will start off good then end bad or the other way around. Then there are the kind of women that don't have their   life together and decide to have a child to get welfare. What they don't realize is that not only are they not providing a good environment for the baby but that welfare money isn't enough to raise a child. a baby requires lots of care and nurturing. Teenagers now a day's getting pregnant unfortunately have to end their education and drop out of college to be able to take care of the child. but, what is there to offer to the child if you can't finish your education. Sources where my friends were sharing their perspective from and getting their info from were from clinics, health class, and our surroundings or environment. NOISE! That's one thing my friend said when I asked what came to her mind when she thought about babies. I personally found that pretty funny because its true they cry a lot at first. Friends who said they wouldn't have a baby also said that if they were to have a baby then they would make sure to have a stable life first and be able to offer the kid a steady life instead of doing something stupid.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thoughts on birth.

Birth. What is birth? In my perspective, birth is the most amazing and beautiful experience in life. It's probably the best thing in life. It is painful but it's worth the pain in the end. After the pain comes the gift, the child, a blessing from above. A child always brings love and laughter and well hard work too. For 18 years a mother dedicates her life to this child preparing them for their mission one day and hoping to have a successful outcome.
My mom is pregnant and I know it's a hard process because she is moody all the time and tired all the time. In a past unit called death,we discussed that once we are dead no one remembers us but that's not true. As I mentioned above birth is the most beautiful thing. The reason being that when you give birth your giving a piece of you to your child. If you think about it your with your child for 7-8 months and your connected. What you feel or eat is transmitted to the child. So in reality one is never gone because pregnancies occur all the time giving away pieces of on on to the next. And even teaching a child when they are young gives you the possibility to teach or share things wih them that they might share with their kid one day and so on.

A question I have is why do some baby's come out white/powdery, some bloody, some purple.