Saturday, April 16, 2011

HW 46 - Initial Thoughts on the Care of the Dead

My Experiences:
  Luckily up to date i haven't had a close family member pass away. The only Family member that i can remember passing away is my great grandma. Knowing she was gone hurt but not as much as i though it would. Memories shared with her are few. She was the person who taught me my first prayers and a couple of songs. Even now i still remember everything she taught me and i am very appreciative of it. I have taught some of them to my younger sisters. Later on she was living with us for about a year. I wasn't around her much being that i was occupied with school and sports but enough to at least know what she was about. On a random night one day they called us and gave us the bad news. I cried for like a couple of days but i was too young too comprehend what exactly it meant to lose someone. What i did know is that based off of my grandmothers and mothers emotions, it must be a heartache to know that someone can be here and then gone within a matter of seconds. I look back to the memories i shared with her and they make me smile. Sometimes i wish i could go back in time and done things differently to have spent more time with her.

The Way I Was Taught To Perceive Dead People:
  Growing up as i mentioned above, didn't involve much death. I can't really state that there is a specific way to view it. What i do know are a couple of customs based off of my great grandmothers death. When she passed away we had to bury her for her to rest in peace. My great grandmother always mentioned how she would be happiest being buried in her hometown. Immediately we all knew that thats where we would have to take her in order to complete her desire. Also to pay respect i learned that i had to wear black and that i shouldn't listen to music or things i would normally do. I however don't agree.

My Philosophy:
   I think that death is a part of life. We shouldn't have to treat it differently. As long as we savor the memories and cherish them we shouldn't have to do certain things to explain our pain to others. I feel like doing so is like feeling pity for the person who died and that is disrespectful. One should not feel pity because the person who passed away gave all they had and shared beautiful memories that will last a lifetime. We should all do what we normally do and dress how we normally dress because i am sure that the dead person would like us to be happy and not sad. So why be sad? Pay respect for a day and once they are resting in peace continue with your life as i know they would like you to. Think about how you want people to react to your death. I am not saying you can't be affected or hurt by it because they play a role in your life. All i'm saying is that you shouldn't spend your life stuck on that moment because this experience will make you stronger. Perhaps it will make you a better person.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you talked about the way that you thought about it , how everyone around you thinks about and how philosophy looks at it. I feel that you had a lot of important things to say and point out. Like how "Luckily up to date i haven't had a close family member pass away"
    you could still imagine how other people would feel and feel with death.
